

We care about accessibility

mLabs wants to be for everyone, so we care about the accessibility of those who need some. Type of navigation aid.

Shortcut keys

Use the hotkeys listed below to more easily access certain sections of the website. To use them, just know the shortcut key combination of your browser, using Chrome and Internet Explorer as examples just press the Alt key, in Firefox the Alt and Shift keys, followed of the defined shortcut key from the list below.

  • L – Login
  • H – Home page
  • T – Sign up for a free trial


For visually impaired people, we recommend using browser extensions for magnification font size or page contrast. As an example, in Chrome just press the Ctrl keys followed by the + or – key to enlarge and reduce the text.

For people with difficulty seeing contrasts we recommend extensions like a High Contrast for Google Chrome, there are similars for all other browsers.

These techniques and tools help your navigation not only on our site, but also throughout the internet, generally helping people with some type of visual impairment.